Monday, May 15, 2006

Who are you?

When I look on the site tracker to see where people have come from and where they go next, how many pages they've viewed etc I have notice that some people have got to my site from google. Some people appear to be regular visitors, some of you I know and some I don't. The question is:

Who are you?

It would be really interesting, whether I know you or not,if you left a comment! What do you like about this blog and what could be better? It would be fun to know who the people are who visit my blog rather than a list of anonymous facts. If you have a blog too, let me know what it is so I can have a look.
Theres a lot of people from the UK and the USA, but also some from Mexico, Spain, Portugal, Lithuania, Egypt, Germany, France, Switzerland, Canada and Cyprus. Welcome.


rach said...

Hi I'm your stalker and I'm going to start going to some really weird places before I come to yours. Ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

I am mother rain and father sun. I am the great bear, the awesome eagle, the mighty squirrel. I am immortal and unquestionable. So don't ask me.

Anonymous said...

I have 2 sides longer that the other. I am not blue or yellow. I am pointy yet perfectly formed. That's right I am a red triangle.

gem said...

Hi Nick!

Montmarcey Brown said...

I was formerly a dog in Jerome K Jeromes 'Three men in a boat.'

Now I mostly eat radishes.